

I look forward to bringing a greater sense of spiritual enrichment and renewal to your church through the sermon series listed below.

If you would like further information about any of the topics or about inviting me to your church, please reach out using the contact details below.

— Eugene Neudorf

Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

When in Doubt – Read THE BOOK!

A 2-part series of stand-alone sermons. This visionary series is meant to remind us that the Bible is God’s actual words to us; His love letter to us – His very thoughts on how to experience intimacy with Him and others, and how to live life to the full - invigorated to live out His divine purposes with both passion and courage.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Walk “With” God

A 4 Part Series (Note these sermons function best in a series, rather than stand-alone sermons. They also work well for a Week-end Retreat or Family Camp)

– In his book “With – Reimagining the Way you Relate to God”, Skye Jethani states that generally speaking, we relate to God in one of five ways (5 postures); only one of which is ultimately healthy in getting to know God and experience His intimacy. That healthy posture is “living life WITH God”. The other four unhealthy postures, at least when they’re the primary way we relate to God, are living life OVER God, UNDER God, FROM God and FOR God. Here’s how we will tackle the series.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Waking the Sleeping Giant

A 4 Part Series – although these sermons can function as stand-alone sermons, it’s better to use it as a series) – It’s been said that the church in North America may be a sleeping giant in need of awakening. If that’s true, then it’s crucial that churches determine how to stay awake – how to stay on mission with God in the community they live in. That means paying attention to what God says about using our giftedness and passions as we take the church to the community rather than expecting the community to come to us. We’ll be doing that as we look at a number of realities that God wants to awaken in us.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

The God You’d Love to Know

A 9-part series – The better we understand who God is the more likely we are to wonder in amazement at what we discover about Him. This in turn will cause us to develop a greater intimacy with Him, allowing Him to revolutionize our lives, and living life with a greater sense of victory – a life characterized by love, grace, truth, mercy, forgiveness and courage. In fact, the more we get to know Him, the more we will likely see others the way He does – thinking the best of others, not the worst – slow to take offense and quick to give others a second chance.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

The Cross – Jesus’ Seven Last Words!

(7-part stand-alone sermons) – In her book, “Contemplating the Cross”, Tricia McCary Rhodes makes this statement: “Our sanctuaries display a cleansed version of the cross – no blood, no struggle, no filth of sin – solely monuments to the resurrection power” (p. 116). She further suggests, that perhaps in our joy to celebrate Easter Sunday, we don’t spend enough time fully contemplating the significance of Good Friday and the intense suffering that Christ endured for us on that bloody cross. To help us address this issue, this series will explore the suffering that Jesus endured, and the significance of the seven last words or phrases that He spoke while on that cross

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

The Christmas Story: The Greatest True Story Ever Told

(7 sermons to draw from) This series is ideal for the Christmas/Advent Season and uses an exciting narrative approach in telling the story of Jesus’ first coming as recorded in Matthew and Luke. In addition, the first chapter of John (which is John’s telling of the Christmas Story in theological form) is used in four of the sermons to help believers and seekers alike consider two questions: Who is Jesus and Why did He come?

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Spiritual Warfare – “In Christ: Stand Firm – Resist – Attack”!

A 7 Part Series: stand-alone topics. The best way to recognize the enemy (Satan) and his strategies in our lives is to know God and His absolute TRUTH more intimately, discovering the wonder of our identity and authority in Christ. When we do that, we are better able to recognize the counterfeit to truth and then act with godly confidence when encountering a spiritual battle. That’s where we’ll spend most of our time. Secondarily we’ll also take a look at the spiritual forces that are in play in the world – God’s angels, and Satan and his fallen angels – discovering who they are, what their goals are – and in the case of the demonic world; what their tactics are and the limit of their power?

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Spiritual Renewal Month

This series can also be used as a Week-long Series or Week-end Retreat. During this time, church families embark on a wonderful journey of spiritual renewal and cleansing – a journey of prayer, fasting, confession, forgiveness and healing. Using II Chronicles 7:14 as a launching pad, this series will explore four important spiritual exercises that lead to spiritual renewal and cleansing.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Radiate our Faith

A 4-part series – stand-alone sermons – this series looks at four interesting ways in which we can radiate our faith in Christ so that we might better be the ambassadors for God that He has called us to be. We radiate our faith…

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Questions that Deserve an Answer

A 6 Part Apologetic Series – This series looks at some of the most important questions that people ponder when considering what truth is and whether Christianity is valid or not. It’s also a series meant to encourage and strengthen those who already are followers of Jesus Christ, and then provide them with some thoughts to share with searching friends looking for answers to life.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Lessons from the First Church

These Are 5 stand-alone sermons from the Book of Acts – The Book of Acts has been described as a “supernatural action thriller” – the incredible story of the first church and its journey with God. It’s a volume filled with intrigue, tragedy and treachery – a manuscript packed with true stories of grand achievements, triumph and truth – a book that demonstrates what can happen when Christ’s church is on mission with God, filled with the supernatural power of His Spirit.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Jesus and the Church – An Intimate Conversation! (Revelation 2 & 3)

A 4-part series – can be used as stand-alone sermons – In these two chapters from the last book in the Bible we are given an intimate glimpse into a forthright conversation that Jesus had with various churches, in what was then knows as Asian Minor (modern day Turkey). During this series we’ll look in on what Jesus had to say about the successes and failures of four of these churches – and the restoration plan that would help them address their failings. In the process we’ll discover what Jesus desires of us so that we might truly be His Church in the 21st century and make disciples of Christ.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

How to Be a Contagious Christian

A 4-part series – A part of living out a Missional Life-Style in our community means developing Authentic Relationships with others, and sharing the Good News of Jesus in the sphere of influence where God has placed us – in our neighbourhoods, at work, at school, etc. However, God never intended for us to share His Good News in a way that doesn’t reflect who He made us to be. In this series we’ll look at six different people in the Bible, each of whom used a different way to point people to Jesus.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Father’s Day – What it Means to be A Man of God! (I Timothy 6:11-12)

A single sermon - Using this portion of the letter from Paul to Timothy, we will examine three principles that can help us discover what it means to be a man, or person of God. It’s a great topic to explore, because it reminds us that in our sphere of influence (at home, at work, in our neighbourhood and in church) there is always someone who is watching us – watching to see if what we say, lines up with what we do.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Choosing Plan “A” in a Plan “B” World

Choosing Plan “A” in a Plan “B” World – Using various Biblical references, stories from Eugene’s life and the life of an intriguing Alliance Missionary, Susan Dyck - this four-part sermon series calls people to a greater intimacy with God. In Choosing Plan “A” in a Plan “B” World we need to embrace the fact that…

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Extreme Makeover – Inside Edition (Building Loving Relationships)

A 4 Part Series - stand-alone sermons – Over the decades, Extreme Makeovers, or makeovers in general, have become very popular; used to describe anything from stunning transformations of gardens and houses, to the shaping and reshaping of the human body - either through diets, exercises and/or surgical procedures. In short, we’ll go to almost any length to enhance the look, or shape of our bodies, hoping to feel better about ourselves.

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Embracing the Holy Spirit!

A 4 Part Series that can be used during Sunday Gatherings or as a Week-end Retreat or Summer Camp - In the same way that a digital recording is identical in quality to the original, the book of Acts is in some respects an identical or, exact replica of its original volume – the Gospel of Luke. Acts, very clearly, continues the purpose and content of its predecessor – telling us about transformational life and ministry of Jesus on earth. In Acts however, it involves the continuing life and ministry of Jesus through His Church, as it’s empowered by the Holy Spirit. This series will explore what can happen when a church embraces the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

(This series can also be used as part of a series on the book of Acts called Lessons from the First Church)

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Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf Sermon Series Eugene Neudorf

Dreaming God’s Dreams!

A 4-part series of stand-alone sermons – You might be asking, what does it mean to dream God’s dreams for our lives? Well, we know from the Bible that God has very specific dreams (i.e. visions, purposes, plans) for us – individually, as families and as a church. In addition, we also know that there are times when we struggle to dream God’s dreams by creating self-imposed glass boxes or ceilings for ourselves (i.e. comfort zones we have created for ourselves that are outside the will of God). So, this series is all about breaking some glass, so that we can once again Dream God’s Dreams.

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