Questions that Deserve an Answer

A 6 Part Apologetic Series This series looks at some of the most important questions that people ponder when considering what truth is and whether Christianity is valid or not. It’s also a series meant to encourage and strengthen those who already are followers of Jesus Christ, and then provide them with some thoughts to share with searching friends looking for answers to life.

(Major Resource: “I’m So Glad You Asked” by Ken Boa & Larry Moody)

    • Question #1 – God: Is He out there, or not? – Throughout history humanity has asked two questions: Is there a God (Does He exist)? And if so, what kind of God is He (Is He personal or impersonal? Is He a good God or not?) How we answer those two questions determines, in large part, how we live our lives. In fact, I would suggest that the answers we obtain from those questions will actually determine the funnel by which we will process all other information.

    • Question #2 – The Bible: Fact or Fiction? – In the novel, The Da Vinci Code, one of the main characters makes a statement that reflects what many in today’s society believe: “The Bible is a product of man… It has evolved through countless translations, additions and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the book.” The Bible however, claims to be the authoritative Word of God. To determine which view is right there are only three options to consider. Either the people who wrote the Bible were delusional; they deliberately deceived us; or it is God’s Word. This sermon examines the compelling evidence that points to the validity of the third option.

    • Question #3 – Jesus: Saviour or Sham (Liar, Lunatic or LORD?) – Popular opinion states that all religions are essentially the same; and because of that, there are many ways to get right with God. Anyone who thinks differently is generally considered narrow minded and arrogant. The Bible, however, states that all religions are not the same, that there is only one way to get right with God, and that’s through Jesus Christ. To determine who’s right, we will examine two options concerning Christianity’s claim.

    • Question #4 – Hell: Real or Unreal? – The topic of hell is perhaps the most uncomfortable subject within Christianity. Many people try to ignore or deny it, claiming that a loving and just God would have nothing to do with a place as terrible as that. Yet the Bible is clear: not only is there an all loving, all powerful and all just God, but there is also a place called Hell! If that’s true, then we would be remiss if we did not address this intriguing subject in a safe environment.

    • Question #5 – The Cross: Tragedy or Triumph? – In answering this fascinating question, we will focus on one of the seven statements that Jesus made while hanging on the cross – the one where he shouted “IT IS FINISHED!” After determining that this was a shout of triumph, not tragedy, we’ll explore in detail the kind of Triumph it was; concluding with some applicational questions for both seekers and believers. (Note: This sermon includes some graphic language on what a crucifixion was actually like. It can also be used in the series – The Cross: Jesus’ Seven Last Words)

    • Question #6 – Jesus’ Resurrection: Hoax or History? – In I Corinthians 15:13-17, the apostle Paul contends that the foundation of Christianity stands or falls on the question of Jesus’ resurrection – its historical accuracy. He’s right! If it didn’t happen, it was the biggest hoax ever conceived. Conversely though, if it did happen, it’s the most hopeful act of history ever recorded. To help us answer this question we will first look at some of the alternative theories people have proposed regarding the resurrection and then conclude by looking at the overwhelming circumstantial evidence that points to the historicity of the Resurrection. (Note: this sermon also works for Easter Sunday.)


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