Healthy Churches

It’s been said that “Healthy Churches + Healthy Leaders lead to Healthy Mission”. If that’s true, what does a Healthy Church look like? To a large degree, it depends on its Spiritual, Relational, Vision and Structural health.

What does this journey look like?

A Church Health Consultant or Advisor functions like the gardener in one of Jesus’ parables (Luke 13:6-9). In that parable, the gardener dug around the roots of a tree and fertilized it, so that it would once again produce fruit. As a Church Health Advisor, Eugene will help the church explore their health, with the purpose of leading them toward a greater sense of fruitfulness. Initially, this may involve the Church Staff, the Board and/or the Church Family going through a Church Health Assessment – an Assessment that will explore the degree to which a church is experiencing Spiritual, Relational, Vision and Structural health. After the Assessment period is over, the church will celebrate their strengths and seek God’s wisdom where improvement is needed, implementing a plan toward greater health in those “need” areas. For more information on the Assessments listed below, contact Eugene.

  • Church Health Assessment (28 Assessment Areas including definitions)

  • The Life Cycle of the Church

What do we mean by Spiritual, Relational, Vision and Structural Health?

  • Addresses peoples’ relationship with God. This is where the church family calls itself to a greater intimacy with God, challenging themselves to make things right with God where needed. They are looking for God to build in them a greater sense of faith in His ability to move with power in their midst. The goal is for them to become increasingly more Christ-Centred, Spirit-Empowered and Mission-Focused. For speaking topics and resources on Spiritual Renewal, check out the following sermon series…

    Sermon Series:

  • Addresses the level of genuine community that the church family is experiencing with one another – individually or corporately. This means not only developing closer relationships with others but allowing God to build a greater sense of emotional health in themselves. In addition, where needed, hurts are identified and lovingly dealt with as people both ask for and provide forgiveness. In the end, the hope is that the church family will learn to become peacemakers leading to stronger and healthier relationships. For speaking topics and workshops related to Relational Renewal, check out the following sermon series and workshops…

    Sermon Series:


  • Helps the church family rally around a God-given common identity and purpose. The goal here is to prayerfully determine who God wants the church to be (Vison) and what He wants them to do in order to get there (Mission). This will also mean exploring the character and conduct (Values) that God will require as they live out their God-given vision and mission. Note: in the end, a church’s vision, mission and core values should determine its structure, not the other way around. For speaking topics and workshops regarding Vision Renewal, check out the following sermon series and workshops…

    Sermon Series:


    • What does it mean to be an Alliance Church (a quick look at the past & present vision of the C&MA)

    • The Life Cycle of a Church (is your church on the decline, the recline or the incline?)

    • Biblical Visioning (a good vision requires passion, purpose, plans, pillars and a preferred future)

    • An Attractional vs. Missional Church (a both/and approach)

    • Being in Christ vs. Doing for Christ (learning how to live life with God vs. life for God)

  • Looks at the way in which the church governs and organizes itself, identifying the essential role and responsibilities of the local church leadership (i.e. Elders, Advisory Committee, etc.). The goal at this stage is to ensure that a church’s organizational structure (i.e. leader development, team building, ministries, governance, policies and procedures) supports the vision, mission and core values of the church, creates a healthy environment for service, releases people for ministry rather than hinders them, and where necessary, restores a functional and biblical leadership structure. For workshops and resources in Structural Renewal, check out the following sermon series and workshops…

    Sermon Series:


Concluding Thoughts:

In II Corinthians 5:17-20, Paul says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God is reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting (their) sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore God’s ambassadors…”

Think of it – God wants us to be His ambassadors! He wants us to partner with Him in this world wide ministry of reconciliation, helping Him build His kingdom on earth. But what is an ambassador? According to the World Book Dictionary it is “someone who represents the qualities, traits or habits, of the person they are representing”. That’s an awesome and wondrous responsibility isn’t it!

But, if we’re honest, we don’t always act that way, do we? Sometimes we fail God and don’t live like the ambassadors he’s calling us to be. Fortunately though, God is a God of second chances and doesn’t give up on us when we fail Him. And when we submit to Him and commit to working together, we can become the kind of Healthy Churches He is calling us to become! So, let’s embrace the journey, becoming…

…Healthy Churches and Healthy Leaders on Healthy Mission with God?

— Eugene Neudorf