Radiate our Faith

A 4-part series - stand-alone sermons this series looks at four interesting ways in which we can radiate our faith in Christ so that we might better be the ambassadors for God that He has called us to be. We radiate our faith…

    • …Through Infectious Christianity (Luke 18:9-14) - Usually we don’t associate the words “infection” or “pandemic” with something agreeable or palatable. No, generally, those words are used in conjunction with a negative action related to a disease, virus or epidemic. However, it is possible to use those same words positively, especially when talking about one’s faith, as in “someone has an infectious faith in God, through Christ”. Today we want to look at embracing this kind of infectious life by exploring a story that Jesus told about a Pharisee and Tax Collector.

    • …By Taming the Tongue! (James 3) – On one occasion, I heard someone say these impactful words – “through what we say and how we say it, we have the power to either invite others to live or die (figuratively speaking)”. That statement, along with the Bible verses it was gleaned from, has forever had a profound impact in my life. We’re going to explore what James has to say about this intriguing subject in the third chapter of his book in the Bible.

    • …By Telling our Story (A Journey from Burnout to Contentment) – Telling our stories is a wonderful way to connect with and share our journey with Christ. This topic deals with a bit of my story. 25 years ago, I was anything but content. A burnout and subsequent chronic fatigue left me feeling exhausted, despondent, and even angry – angry at the church, and if I’m being totally honest, even angry at God. So, in this testimonial I will share about a journey God took me on from burnout to contentment – a journey that, although difficult at the time, I now consider a wondrous gift.

    • …By Learning the Art of Celebration (Nehemiah 8:5-12) – Time and time again the Bible commands believers to rejoice - to celebrate. In some respects that makes it a spiritual discipline. As we explore this topic, we want to learn how to live out this command to celebrate. In short, we want to learn the art of celebration!


Spiritual Renewal Month


Questions that Deserve an Answer