Spiritual Renewal Month

This series can also be used as a Week-long Series or Week-end Retreat. During this time, church families embark on a wonderful journey of spiritual renewal and cleansing – a journey of prayer, fasting, confession, forgiveness and healing. Using II Chronicles 7:14 as a launching pad, this series will explore four important spiritual exercises that lead to spiritual renewal and cleansing.

    • Topic 1: God says – “If My People Will Humble Themselves & Seek My Face”! (James 4:6-10). We know that we are ready for renewal when we humble our selves before God and prayerfully seek His presence. During the first sermon in this series, we will explore how to cultivate a humble and seeking attitude.

    • Topic 2: God says – “If My People Will Keep Short Accounts with Me”! (Psalm 51:1-12; Psalm 32:1-5). During this time together, we will gather for a Solemn Sunday for individual and corporate confession. Sometimes it’s hard to admit to God, “I was wrong”! Yet, if we want to experience an outpouring of His presence and power in our lives, we, as believers in Christ, need to be willing to confess our failings to God.

    • Topic 3: God says – “Then will I Joyfully Hear & Forgive You”! (Psalm 103, Ephesians 3:14-21). Once we’ve humbled ourselves before God, earnestly sought His presence and confessed our sins to Him - and others; God promises to do three things in return, two of which are to truly hear us and forgive us.

    • Topic 4: God says – “Then will I Joyfully Heal Them”! The God who hears us and forgives us, has also promised to bring His healing touch upon us – emotionally, relationally, mentally and physically. We just need to be ready to receive from Him the kind of healing He wants to bring. This service will provide people with an opportunity to come forward for healing and then end with a celebration.

A Spiritual Renewal Packet is provided to every participant which supplies them with all the resources and information they will need to participate. This packet includes seven different resources: how to participate; a schedule of events; a daily prayer calendar; a spiritual check-up; information on Fasting (A Christ-like endeavor); a humility exercise entitled Broken/Unbroken; and a corporate prayer of Confession.


Spiritual Warfare – “In Christ: Stand Firm – Resist – Attack”!


Radiate our Faith