Walk “With” God

A 4 Part Series (Note these sermons function best in a series, rather than stand-alone sermons. They also work well for a Week-end Retreat or Family Camp)

– In his book “With – Reimagining the Way you Relate to God”, Skye Jethani states that generally speaking, we relate to God in one of five ways (5 postures); only one of which is ultimately healthy in getting to know God and experience His intimacy. That healthy posture is “living life WITH God”. The other four unhealthy postures, at least when they’re the primary way we relate to God, are living life OVER God, UNDER God, FROM God and FOR God. Here’s how we will tackle the series.

During the first half of each sermon: we will first take a closer look at one of the four inappropriate postures in relating to God, demonstrate how this inappropriate posture can create an inaccurate view of God (through a dramatic skit) and provide at least one example from the Bible where this unhealthy posture was lived out.

During the second half of each sermon, we’ll discover the wonder of what it looks like to live life “WITH” God by: exploring Mark 12:30, examining a different Hebrew word that speaks to God’s character, and providing at least one biblical example of someone living out this healthy posture.

(Note: a comprehensive handout is available with this series that also includes spiritual exercises that can be explored during the week.

    • Topic 1: Living Life “Over” God vs. Living Life “With” God

Dramatic Sketch: God in a Box – written by Curt Cloninger (used with permission)

Christians who live life “over” God might end up replacing a relationship with God for a relationship with the Bible (“With” – p.51); pursuing biblical knowledge instead of pursuing God – thus missing out on the wonder and mystery of God.

    • Topic 2: Living Life “Under” God vs. Living Life “With” God

Dramatic Sketch: The Cowboy – written by Curt Cloninger (used with permission)

Christians who live life “under” God, obey Him, not out of love, but with an unhealthy fear; either trying to get God to bless them, or not punish them. This posture can lead to legalism.

    • Topic 3: Living Life “From” God vs. Living Life “With” God

Dramatic Sketch: The Butler – written by Curt Cloninger (used with permission)

Christians who relate to God primarily through a life “from” God posture see Him through the lens of a consumerist – someone who will meet their wants, desires and perceived needs. Taking this posture to an extreme can lead to the “prosperity gospel”.

    • Topic 4: Living Life “For” God vs. Living Life “With” God

Dramatic Sketch: The Cosmic CEO – written by Eugene Neudorf

Jethani says that of all the four inappropriate postures in relating to God, this is the one most often celebrated in our churches. And to a certain extent, it should be, because the Bible is filled with passages where God calls us to serve Him. However, when this becomes the predominant way in which we relate to God, our doing “for” Christ displaces our being “in” Christ. In the end, our value in God’s eyes, is not determined by what we do for Him, but rather who we are in Him.


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Waking the Sleeping Giant