Jesus and the Church – An Intimate Conversation! (Revelation 2 & 3)

A 4-part series – can be used as stand-alone sermons – In these two chapters from the last book in the Bible we are given an intimate glimpse into a forthright conversation that Jesus had with various  churches, in what was then knows as Asian Minor (modern day Turkey). During this series we’ll look in on what Jesus had to say about the successes and failures of four of these churches – and the restoration plan that would help them address their failings. In the process we’ll discover what Jesus desires of us so that we might truly be His Church in the 21st century and make disciples of Christ.

    • Ephesus – How to Fall in Love Again! (Revelation 2:1-7) – Ephesus was a church that was genuinely involved in a lot of great stuff, but was lacking one thing – they had lost their love for Christ. What we learn from the Ephesian church is this: It doesn’t matter how moral we are, how biblically knowledgeable we might be, or how many good deeds we perform… If our love for Christ and others has been displaced by something or someone else, we’ve lost our way and will eventually fade away.

    • Sardis – Don’t Rest on Past Accomplishments! (Revelation 3:1-6) – Sardis was a church alive in name only; a church living on their past glory, not present circumstances. As a result, they were in danger of becoming a useless monument to the past rather than a movement led by the Holy Spirit in the present.

    • Laodicea – Don’t Settle for Second Best – Don’t be Indifferent! (Revelation 3:14-22) – Unfortunately this church was spiritually destitute and bankrupt. But here’s the really sad news – they were actually ignorant of their condition – largely because of two things; their haughty self-reliance, and their lukewarm indifference toward spiritual things and Christian service.

    • Philadelphia Be Faithful (Be Loyal) (Revelation 3:7-13) – The church in Philadelphia was only one of two churches in Revelation that Jesus had only good things to say about. Against all odds, this church was known for its faithfulness and loyalty to Christ. In looking at what Jesus’ says to this church, we will discover what a faithful church looks like.


Lessons from the First Church


How to Be a Contagious Christian