When in Doubt – Read THE BOOK!

A 2-part series of stand-alone sermons. This visionary series is meant to remind us that the Bible is God’s actual words to us; His love letter to us – His very thoughts on how to experience intimacy with Him and others, and how to live life to the full - invigorated to live out His divine purposes with both passion and courage.

To discover what His divine purposes look like, everyone will be encouraged to read one book of the Bible, leading up to and during this series – one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) or the book of Acts.

As they read, they’ll be asked to consider three visioning questions: What did Jesus and the Early Church truly Value? Where have I and my church valued what Jesus and the Early Church Valued? Where might I or my church need to change in order to value what Jesus and the Early Church Valued?

  • A Tale of Two Kings! (II Chronicles 34:14-19; Jeremiah 36:20-26) – The Bible can have a powerful effect on us if we’ll let it. In the two stories we’re going to look at, we discover two kings in the Bible, a father and his son – two men with two very different responses to God’s Word, and as a result, with two very different lives lived.

  • The Unknown Writer Who Loved God’s Word (Psalm 119) – One person once made this comment about reading the Bible. He said we need to read the Bible with both a top line and bottom-line mentality. In other words, we need to read the bible not only looking for God’s promises and blessings (top line mentality) but also for what our responsibility to God is (bottom line mentality). To do that we’re going to look at the unknow author of Psalm 119, a man who had a profound love for God’s Word, a deep love for God, and a tremendous conviction for obeying what God said.


Walk “With” God