Seminars & Workshops

I'm excited to offer these seminars & workshop opportunities. If any of these topics interest you, please reach out using the contact details below.

— Eugene Neudorf

Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

Visioning Week-end Workshops

(for boards, staff and congregations) (Typical Timeline for a full week-end using 3 to 4 workshops – Friday 7-9:30 pm & Saturday 9:30 am to 4:30 pm) – These five visioning workshops and accompanying brainstorming sessions will help churches assess themselves, explore what biblical visioning looks like and provide church leadership with some helpful material in putting together strong godly Vision & Mission statements, and a set of Core Values that can lead to the appropriate action necessary to fulfill the Vision Document.

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

The Pastoral Search Process

This resource provides a detailed step by step plan for calling a pastor; one who fits the God-given vision of the church, the church community and the greater community. Eugene can work with a church in one of two ways: either taking the Search Team and Church Board through the two-hour Pastoral Search Workshop, or combining that workshop with periodic coaching and consulting as the Search Process unfolds.

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

Relational Evangelism & Missional Living

(4-hour workshop)

Jesus called all of us to be disciple-makers. But how do we do that? How do we prepare ourselves both individually and as a church to become people who actually make disciples? Well, first we need to be willing to bring the church to the people rather than expecting the people to come to us? That might mean a paradigm shift in our thinking, which isn’t always easy to do; but necessary nonetheless. Second, however, we also need to prepare ourselves to both live and share the Good News with others. This workshop hopes to accomplish that by learning how to…

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

Network Workshop (Spiritual Gifts)

(It includes 6 sessions, each 1 hour and 15 minutes in length. It works best as a week-end workshop – i.e., Friday evening [7-9:45 pm] and Saturday [9:30 am - 3:30 pm])

“Network” is a dynamic workshop that helps you understand God’s design for you as you go on mission with Him. You will gain insight into your unique and God-given spiritual giftedness, personal style (how you interact with people and tasks) and passions (interests). This will ensure a greater sense of fulfillment and excitement as you serve God and others, both in your church family and in your wider community.

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

How To Study the Bible and Listen for God’s Voice!

(1 – 3-hour workshop depending on whether or not all three parts are covered, and how many practical exercises are explored on site).

Did you know that every time you crack open the Bible, it’s like God is pulling up a chair beside you and having an intimate chat with you: a chat about life, about how to live life with Him, and about how to live life with others. Think about it! The God of the Universe wants to be our Heavenly Father (our Heavenly Daddy) and have intimate conversations with us, through His living Word – the Bible. That should blow our minds! The full workshop explores three different aspects of the Bible and includes some practical exercises.

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

How to Lead a Small Group

(2 – 3-hour workshop) – Small groups can take many forms in a church but usually incorporate four Key Components to one degree or another: A Learning Component (Discipleship/Bible Study/Training); A Relational Component (Friendship/Care); A Prayer Component (Listening to God/Praying for Internal & External Needs); and a Doing Component (Ministry/Outreach/Activity). Generally, one of these four components will initially bring the group together. It might involve a common desire to study the Bible, a joint ministry opportunity, or a common activity (i.e., sports, crafts, hobbies, crises, social issues, etc.)

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

Church Governing Workshop

(4 ½ hour workshop – including breaks or a ½ hour lunch)

Have you ever wondered, either as a pastor, an elder, or an Advisory Committee Member, what good biblical Governance actually looks like? If so, this workshop might be for you. Using a detailed Manual, videos, exercises, discussion questions and additional teaching this workshop creates a strong foundation for governing. It involves

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

Biblical Team Building

A number of years ago, an Elder of a church gave me a book to read, asking for my opinion. It was a book intended for leaders in businesses and non-profits. It was titled “Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni. As I read the book, on countless occasions I found myself saying “that was biblical”. To make a long story short – that book became the inspiration for this workshop. We’ll be looking at five foundational truths that build on the one that came before it.

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Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf Seminars & Workshops Eugene Neudorf

A Journey with One Another (Living Life Together)

This workshop explores 11 of the most common “one another” statements or commands that occur in the New Testament, imploring Christians to treat one another as God desires. In addition, this workshop, which also includes an introductory lesson, can also function in a variety of ways – either as a 12-week Sunday School Class, a week-end retreat or a one-day workshop. Eugene can tailor this discipleship course according to the format the church desires, and if necessary, due to time constraints, limit the number of topics to be

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