How to Lead a Small Group

(2 – 3-hour workshop) – Small groups can take many forms in a church but usually incorporate four Key Components to one degree or another: A Learning Component (Discipleship/Bible Study/Training); A Relational Component (Friendship/Care); A Prayer Component (Listening to God/Praying for Internal & External Needs); and a Doing Component (Ministry/Outreach/Activity). Generally, one of these four components will initially bring the group together. It might involve a common desire to study the Bible, a joint ministry opportunity, or a common activity (i.e., sports, crafts, hobbies, crises, social issues, etc.)

This workshop will examine various types of small groups, look in detail at the four key components of a small group (providing useful suggestions on how to incorporate all 4 elements regardless of the type of group you are forming) and include a meaningful exercise for each component.


How To Study the Bible and Listen for God’s Voice!


Church Governing Workshop